
Diablo 3 xbox one download free
Diablo 3 xbox one download free

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The Witch Doctor, whose use of mana enables them to use curses, harvest souls, and summon monsters.

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With the Ultimate Evil pack, you face down Malthael, the Angel of Death, and his bid to use the Black Soulstone to wipe out all humanity.ĭiablo III: Eternal Collection features all-new classes from Diablo III and all its DLCs: But beware, for you have more enemies than you know. Only by retrieving the Black Soulstone can you stand a chance at defeating the Lords of Hell and stopping the coming apocalypse. A fallen star announces the arrival of a stranger bearing dire warnings: the arrival of demon lords Belial, Lord of Lies, and Azmodan, Lord of Sin. In Diablo III, you return to the world of Sanctuary to confront dark tidings.

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Diablo III: Eternal Collection combines Diablo III and the Ultimate Evil DLC and the Rise of the Necromancer expansion to create the definitive Diablo volume. The legendary dungeon-crawler RPG series returns in one complete package.

Diablo 3 xbox one download free